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TATALOKA is a peer reviewed, scientific journal in the field of urban and regional planning. TATALOKA was published for the first time in 1995 with ISSN: 0852-7458 and it has been developing until now. The online version of the journal has been available since 2014 with ISSN: 2356-0266. Tataloka is published quarterly every February, May, August, and November. The journal is indexed in SINTAGaruda;  DOAJ, Google Scholar, CrossrefBASE and Dimensions. TATALOKA was Accredited by  Accredited by Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi based on SK Number 164/E/KPT/202127 Desember 2021 for the next 5 years. 



Vol 26, No 3 (2024): Volume 26 No. 3 August 2024

Dinda Luthfiani Tjahjanto, Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.26.3.143-153

Widiani Suryaningsih, Hermanto Siregar, Sri Mulatsih

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.26.3.154-164

Laily Noor Lathifah, Ernan Rustiadi, Ivanovich Agusta

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.26.3.165-179

I Gusti Ayu Andani, Yushalihah Fitri Taufik

| Language: ID | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.26.3.180-194

Ray March Syahadat, Muhammad Baiquni, Chafid Fandeli, Dyah Widiyastuti

| Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.26.3.195-207

Total 1720 citations from 112 documents (Last update: 2021-12-01 06:26:39).

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Principal Contact

Dr.-Ing. Santy Paulla Dewi, ST, MT
Universitas Diponegoro
Phone: 0247460054
Fax: 0247460054

Support Contact

Santi Dewantari, ST
Phone: 0247460054